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What is ADHD?


ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects brain function and life management skills. Like diabetes, ADHD is a condition that requires lifelong management. Just as someone with diabetes manages their health through a combination of medication and lifestyle changes, individuals with ADHD often benefit from a combination of strategies, including behavioral support, environmental adjustments, and sometimes medication.

Key Facts About ADHD

• Highly Genetic: ADHD is one of the most heritable mental health disorders. If a child has ADHD, there’s a strong likelihood that a parent or close relative also has ADHD.

• More Than Attention or Hyperactivity: ADHD is not just about being easily distracted or hyperactive. It’s a disorder of executive function, which is responsible for organizing, planning, regulating emotions, and managing behavior.

• Developmental Delays: People with ADHD are often 30% behind their peers in the development of executive function skills. For example, a 10-year-old with ADHD may manage tasks and emotions like a
typical 7-year-old.

Executive Function Skills Affected by ADHD

ADHD impacts several critical life management skills, which can be broken into six components (adapted from the PDF An Overview of ADHD Care):

1. Attention Management: Difficulty sustaining focus, shifting attention, or avoiding hyperfocus on enjoyable tasks.

2. Task Management: Challenges with planning, prioritizing, organizing, and managing time effectively.

3. Information Management: Trouble remembering, organizing, and retrieving information (e.g., following multi-step directions).

4. Action Management: Difficulty controlling actions, learning from mistakes, and managing impulsive behaviors.

5. Emotional Regulation: Struggles with frustration tolerance, irritability, and emotional overreaction.

6. Effort Management: Difficulty persevering through challenging tasks, which is often mistaken for laziness or lack of motivation.

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