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(And other developmental and neuro-diverse related disabilities)

Aspergers is no longer a diagnostic category in the United States, but the term is still often used for the clients we serve. Currently called Level One Autism, these individuals can achieve academically with appropriate supports but often struggle in other areas of life.


What we offer

Achieving academic success does not guarantee the acquisition of the skills necessary for navigating life. Some individuals complete the rigors of education but lack other skills that are equally important. Skills 4 Life offers training and experiences to augment traditional education building proficiency in practical life skills. The goal is for clients to be as autonomous and as self-directed as possible.


Skills 4 Life begins with a comprehensive assessment developed by the Family Coaching Clinic and TEAAM that first evaluates the client’s SVPs – strengths, values, and preferences. Next, deficits in four primary areas are identified and ranked in order of importance: social skills, living skills, work skills and survival skills. Anxiety and executive function are also assessed. The results are used to develop an Individual Growth Plan (IGP). This plan provides next steps to move a client toward independent and self-directed future.


Plans often include:


  • Individual counseling

  • Parent training

  • Family counseling

  • School Consultation

  • Social/Living Skill Groups

  • Volunteer and internship opportunities

  • Education to navigate and understand available resources.

    • IDD Waiver and Disability

    • Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Services

    • School IEPs and other education resources

    • ADA and Autism Services in College

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Child Aspergers Screening Tool

Click the image to find as Aspergers screening tool that can be used with children. 

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What is Aspergers

Tony Attwood does a great job discussing Aspergers in this video presentation.


Aspergers in Girls

Aspergers looks different in girls. Click image to watch a lecture by Tony Attwood about girls and Aspergers


Adult Autism Screening Tool


Click the image to find an adult Autism screening tool. 

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Asperger's and Adulthood


A great short practical resource for helping those with Asperger's transition into adulthood. 

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