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Understanding ADHD Medications

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ADHD medications are designed to target the brain systems responsible for attention, focus, and self-regulation. They help enhance the brain’s ability to process information and manage impulsive behaviors. There are two primary classes of ADHD medications:

1. Stimulant Medications

• The most commonly prescribed type, with decades of researchsupporting their effectiveness.

• Work by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine,which improve attention and focus.

• Examples include medications based on methylphenidate oramphetamine.

2. Non-Stimulant Medications

• Often prescribed for individuals who don’t respond well tostimulants or prefer an alternative.

• Affect different brain systems, often targeting norepinephrine.

• Examples include atomoxetine or certain blood pressuremedications used off-label.

3. Benefits of Medication

• Improves attention, focus, and emotional regulation.

• Reduces impulsivity and hyperactivity.

• Can be life-changing for individuals who struggle with significant ADHD symptoms.

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