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Understanding ADHD Through a Compassionate Lens


ADHD isn’t a choice; it’s a brain-based condition that affects how a childprocesses information, manages emotions, and navigates the world.Children with ADHD are often 30% behind their peers in developingexecutive functions like organization, impulse control, and timemanagement. Viewing your child’s behaviors through the lens of ADHDcan foster greater acceptance and patience.

• Reframe the Symptoms: Instead of seeing a child as “lazy” or“disrespectful,” recognize that their behavior reflects a struggle withexecutive function.

• Example: Difficulty starting homework isn’t defiance; it’s achallenge with activation, which is part of ADHD.

• Recognize Their Efforts: Children with ADHD are often trying harder than it appears. Celebrate their small wins, even if the results aren’t perfect.

• Example: Praise the effort to sit and focus for five minutes, even if they didn’t finish the assignment.

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